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Market Sectors
Oil & Gas
Rail systems & infrastructure
We understand that technologies designed for cost effective, sustainable use require the visionary insights into the application of best practices. For our technology and product customers, ART has the experience to support the development and implementation of robustly architected frameworks. Our technology and product offering rely on delivery of quality products based on seven principles:
Enterprise asset management
1. Functional Capability
ART has consistently applied advanced systems engineering-based techniques to help our clients determine, analyse, record, manage and close-out requirements (Commercial, Technical and Operational). We ensure that loopholes that could minimize product functionality are removed through our processes and systems we introduce.
2. Product Reliability
ART has been introducing Reliability Centered Maintenance and implemented Product Design for Reliability, from concept through to product handover. We have achieved this successfully in the heavy plant and machinery sectors, oil & gas sector and transportation sector. Our capabilities include the application of Software Reliability, Hardware and Software Embedded Systems Reliability Engineering – concept design, requirements management, analysis, testing and validation methods and development of product manuals for certification and handover
3. Product Security
ART has an in-house team with the relevant competence in technology security. We have developed internal Technology Code of Practice – a set of criteria to help our clients design, build and buy technology. Our Code of Practice is our standardized approach to helping our clients in ensuring a controlled design and commercial process is always implemented
4. System Performance
Proving product performance has been a mainstay in our service offering to clients with the primary objectives being:
i) highlight and correct areas of weakness
ii) support and promote the strengths of clients products
To achieve these, we have developed in-house software solutions using basic Failure Reporting and Corrective Action principles. This has been applied to systems development projects and major £bn Infrastructure projects. We also have an Enterprise Asset Management System that can support clients from Concept through to Operation and Decommissioning.
5. Cost Optimization
We have been successful in savings for several clients by considering the following main pillars and constraints of product development within our Reliability and Cost Optimization models:
i) Customer “changing” requirements
ii) Changing technology
iii) Planned, Revenue and Profit
iv) Product Market Changes
v) Time to Market.
Our Reliability and Cost Optimization techniques impact on many different aspects of our clients’ operations, to provide a structured and verifiable development approach with resultant understandable reports on Product Reliability vs Cost, Product Performance and Availability vs Cost, Business Process Performance vs Cost etc.
6. Compliance & Competence
We crown our efforts by ensuring that where required, our clients get all the support required to gain external compliance for their technology. We achieve this by using the ART internal standardized and bespoke processes (Codes of Practices and Guidelines) and Internationally recognized Standards.
We also work directly with partner certification organizations to deliver Compliance Certifications for the Technology or Product. Areas we currently cover includes:
ii) Functional Safety
iii) Asset Integrity & Management
iv) Product Security
Our Training and After-care service is available for clients to help with the development of in-house competence in the identified areas.
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